Sixteens是一支由中国高中生组成的艺术公益团队,励志于用艺术形式影响并减轻身边的社会问题。 Sixteens is a team of Chinese high school students inspired to use art to impact and alleviate social issues.

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  • SIXTEENS是一个由高中生创立的艺术组织, 致力于用艺术影响解决社会问题。我们现在已经顺利开展三个项目。如果你对我们的任何项目感兴趣想要联系加入我们,请发送电子邮件至
  • We are high school students from Qingdao Academy. If you are interesting with our programs and want to join us, please sending an email to

  • 队长: 李恩沛


Continusing programsfrom SIXTEENS

项目一:以儿童绘本位媒介削弱6-10岁儿童对女性的刻板印象 Weakening female stereotypes for 6-10-year-olds through multi-media

项目二:老年人陪伴:通过艺术疗愈帮助养老院老人自我表达 The art therapgy for nursing home old people

项目三:用流行方式向青少年传播中国传统文化。Using popular form to advertise Chinese traditional culture